Helping Families and Friends Honor Their Loved One
Anolilo Aualama Alailefaleuala Tuiolemotu

Anolilo Aualama Alailefaleuala Tuiolemotu

Anolilo Aualama Alailefaleuala Tuiolemotu, 48, of Waipahu passed away on January 2, 2020.  She was born in American Samoa.  She is survived by her husband Vai; and her children Valeleioaiga Jacqueline, Aundrey Agaleva’a, Evelyn Monica, Justin Tamatoa, Jason Tuimanino.  Visitation 5:00 PM, service 6:00 PM on Sunday, January 26 at the Samoan Seventh-day Adventist Church Waipahu. Second day visitation 8:00 AM, service 9:00 AM at the Seventh-day Adventist Church Waipahu; Burial 1:30 PM at the Mililani Memorial Park on Monday, January 27th.

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